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 ====== Ottis Featherfoot ====== ====== Ottis Featherfoot ======
-Known as the moral backbone of the group.  +Write something **short** here (snicker snicker).
- +
-For Ottis his height is a point of pride, he's considered just slightly taller than the average Halfling and he never misses an opportunity to mention it. Much to his friends shagrinn he will often bring it up in conversations with newly acquainted halfings with little to no initiation from the other parties. This point of pride also drives an arguable irrational disdain of any halfling's he meets who commit the crime of being even slightly taller than himself.  +
- +
-During a game of dice with an Orc smuggler out of Deepwater Ottis won an enchanted stein made in the Elvish style. The magic of the mug protected the owner from the ill effects of anything drunk from the mug itself. Upon understanding the enchantment Ottis spent weeks drinking copious amounts of ale and pretending to be drunk. Unsuspecting patrons of pubs and gamblers at dice dens never caught on that the innocent looking Ottis was not at quite the disadvantage that they thought he was. One day Ottis sits down to play a game with a rogueish-looking Elf named Traldor who upon seeing the stein in Ottis's hand seems to recognize it. During their game of dice Traldor pulled out a bottle and two glasses and offered to share some of his personal stash of a drink he called Fire Brandy, Ottis never one to turn down a free drink gladly partook. The next morning Ottis awoke outside the tavern groggy and very hungover. Going through his belongings he discovered that his enchanted stein was missing and checking in with the tavern owner discovered that his drinking companion from the evening had skipped town early in the morning. Not sure where Traldor might have gone Ottis decided not to try to pursue him, maybe in his future journey's he may come across the stein or maybe the thief Traldor. One thing is fore sure Ottis was going to be more warry of sharing drinks with strangers.  (not as funny as I thought it would be, maybe needs more polishing or a better ending. +
- +
-Ottis is an almost infamous wanderer, not to be confused with the wanderlust often attributed to halflings but of the very litteral variety. Once, while sitting in a tavern with some friends, he became increasingly aggitated before picking up his belongings and walking right out the door with his mug still in hand. He wasn't seen by his friends for several weeks before meandering back through the doors of their local pub and sitting down as if no time had passed at all. He told them all a tall tale of adventure and intrigue of traveling all around the area fighting monsters and bandits. Later they learned that he had actually just gone to the next town over to play music and drink with the locals of a different tavern. Fortuantely his friends are rarely offended but mostly because there's no point in judging a rock for being hard or the sky for being blue.  +
- +
-Ottis was in a tavern on the coast one day when he met some deckhands from a ship anchored just outside of town. After a long night filled with music and heavy drinking Ottis was invited by his new companions to come aboard their ship and gleafully he joined them, unknown to Ottis his new friends were in fact pirates and that their intentions with him were quite nefarious. He was taken captive by his friends and forced to preform and entertain the pirate crew for as long as they found him amuseing, after that he'd likely be sold into slavery or worse. Fourtantely for Ottis his upbeat attitude and talnted preformances impressed the captian of the pirates so much so that he decided that he would make an excellent offering to a recently self-appointed pirate king in the region. After some months in the company of the "pirate king" Ottis earned his freedom and was dropped off in the city of Waterdeep where he played the taverns and inn's until bored of the sights of the city decided to take a stroll. +
- +
-Although Ottis is technically a member of the college of lore he's never had the traditional interest in the gathering and catalloging of information in his travels. Instead he chooses to go out in search of the most authentic experiences in the world around him, trying to live in the moment and learning along they way. He's not afraid to pick up a book but he'd rather pick up an ale and see if he can discover the secrets of the local town +
ottis_ffeatherfoot.1706854285.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/02 01:11 by · Currently locked by: